learning to be a mom one twist at a time

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, April 7, 2011

36 Week Updates

  • The glider people called. They're ready to deliver it. Whatever, Babies R Us, with your "26 weeks to delivery" stuff. I am totally over you by now anyway. We're still glad we bought the $40 consignment glider. Now we can have two; maybe one upstairs and one downstairs.
  • Spend last Sunday doing baby stuff, including buying the last few remaining necessary items off our registry. Babies seem to require an awful lot of stuff. I mean, even paring it down to what we considered absolutely necessary, it's still a lot of stuff. We got: a hamper, a small trash can for soiled cloth diapers, a washable liner for said trash can, a collapsible baby tub that will fit in the sink (not strictly necessary, but given our weird tub/sink situations, probably nice to have), the changing pad and covers, sheets for the pack and play, bottle brush and drying rack. We still need to buy bottles but I'm having a hard time deciding which ones.
  • There's only one other thing (besides bottles) that I really want to get, and that's this play mat (see above). It seems like a great investment when our entire first floor is hardwood. I'll probably order it in the next day or two.
  • I am being really INCREDIBLY good about not buying a special "coming home" or "first photo" outfit. You have no idea. This is why they put the adorable baby clothes right at the front in Babies R Us (no love for you, store): to tempt the hormonal mommies. I made Brandon give me mad props for not having bought such a thing. He was happy to comply.
  • We also opened/unpacked/assembled a lot of baby stuff. The pack and play is assembled and living in our bedroom. The high chair is assembled and living in the dining room (more in case Grey comes to stay than because Bean will need it right away), the baby monitors are charging, the toys are in the toy basket and everything is washed, folded and put away.
  • I did manage to catch up with my to do list (more or less). I've packed my hospital bag and a bag for baby. Brandon has NOT packed his bag (slacker) and we haven't got around to installing the car seat yet. I've bought nursing bras and we will write our birth plan on Saturday with Whitney. The only problem is that they keep ADDING things to the list as time goes on. Oh well.
  • I still really think I feel a lot better than many ladies do at 37 weeks, but my list of odd ailments is growing. The joints in my fingers and toes hurt. My hands still fall asleep ALL the bloody time from doing extremely strenuous things like driving, typing or sleeping. My knees and ankles hurt if I sit too long. Or if I stand too long. My feet and ankles are INCREDIBLY swollen; I look like I have puffy hobbit feet with cankles. And I am getting pretty severe round ligament pains pretty often—but considering I found out in child birth class that there are really only two tiny muscles holding everything in place, that seems pretty much par for the course! (Honestly, who designed this system??? I'd like to have a few words.)
  • So now we wait. Four weeks seems like an awfully long time, and yet, like no time at all.

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