learning to be a mom one twist at a time

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Almost 37 Weeks

I discovered yesterday that because of the girth of my baby belly, the only truly comfortable way to sit is with my legs spread inappropriately wide apart. I only noticed it yesterday, because I was wearing a dress.

At least in maternity jeans, no one can accuse you of not being a lady! ;)


Brandon and I went to our child birth class on Friday and Saturday of last weekend. We had picked the short version, because the idea of spending four weeks going over the information seemed excessive, but afterward, we both agreed that it was a LOT of info to cram into one evening and one day.

Some of it we knew, some of it we didn't, but we were both impressed with the tone of the class and the way it focused on having a productive labor (getting up, moving around, anatomy and positions that make it easier for baby to come out, etc.) rather than a purely clinical one. I think we had both assumed that, being put on by the hospital, the party line would be, "Get in bed and let us strap on our monitoring equipment and drug you up!" but that was not the takeaway message at all. Very reassuring since we want to labor as long as possible before even considering drugs.

They also showed us a lot of videos of different births. We were both kind of grossed out by the placenta, but it is what it is. (Also, how do people not make a bigger deal out of the fact that a woman's body basically MAKES a new disposable organ to support the baby??? That is trippy stuff.) Brandon wasn't able to watch the video of a woman getting an epidural because of the needle. (Luckily, Emily tells me they send the husband out for that bit.)

The best was the video which had not had all the sounds edited out. It was a compilation of many different women going through different stages of natural childbirth. Our instructor told us it makes a lot of people uncomfortable—more so than any of the others—because many of the sounds the women make are very similar to sounds made during sex. And she was totally right.

I've told Brandon that if I feel inhibited about making noise, he's going to have to moo like a cow with me. Or sing Bon Jovi songs with me at the top of our lungs. It's part of the contract.

So, it was a very informative class, and I'm extremely glad we went. I left feeling very confident in my choices. Of course, I had a panic attack and minor breakdown about the whole thing a couple of days later, but I'm going to choose to think that's normal. And I'm back to a mid-line of, "Mostly confident with a chance of scattered panic."

Which I think is also normal.


We go to the doctor on Friday and I believe they will do one final ultrasound to check the position of the baby and probably other things. And they will probably also check to see if I am dilated at all while they are testing for Group B strep.

Then, on Saturday, we meet with Whitney the Doula again, and she will help us write up our birth plan. I think we will meet with her one more time before baby comes to talk about breastfeeding and other things like that.

Either today or tomorrow (I'm not sure which) I will be at 37 weeks, which is officially considered "term." I can't believe how fast it has gone by. And also how slowly. And I can't believe how long—and simultaneously how short—four weeks to go seems.

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