learning to be a mom one twist at a time

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, April 18, 2011

37 Weeks, 6 Days

Did a LOT this weekend. Maybe this is that "nesting" burst of energy people talk about?

On Saturday, we drove up to Boulder with the dog and wandered around the wonderful Boulder Farmer's Market. (It's almost as good as the one in Santa Fe, which will ever be the farmer's market of my heart.) Bella did amazingly well with all the noise and traffic and people, especially considering that the last time I took her, she got spooked by a loud noise, slipped her collar and dove under a parked pickup truck and I had to practically crawl under there with her in order to extricate her.

Then we walked over to the downtown area and went to Rebecca's Apothecary. Whitney told me to start drinking a tea made of red raspberry leaf to help support uterine health during my labor and delivery, and she said this was a place to get it in bulk. The ladies there were extremely nice and helpful and I also bought a dram of Tea Tree oil for use in making our reusable wipes solution.

Yesterday, Brandon spent the morning planting trees, and then we headed to Castle Rock to the outlet mall to take advantage of big sales at the Banana Republic outlet—Brandon really likes to buy his clothes there now (and I'm a fan, too!).

Brandon got a pair of pants and I found a skirt with an elastic waistband and a wrap dress that were both marked down like crazy. I know! Buying post-pregnancy clothes before I've even had the baby is probably beyond nuts, but I'm a sucker for a great sale. ;) We also stopped into the maternity outlet store and I found two nursing tops. Not so much on huge sale, but less expensive than they would have been at the regular store, so I'm calling it a win.

And can I just rant about two things for a minute here? First, how come there are almost NO nursing clothes out there, when theoretically, you could be nursing for longer (in some cases MUCH longer) than you were pregnant? Do women just make do with regular clothes in most cases? I guess they must.

And second, who in their right mind pays $125 for a button-down Oxford-style shirt with elastic panels in the sides just because it has a fancy maternity label? (A Pea in the Pod, I'm looking at you.) It was on the sale rack, marked down to $90, then to $45. And I still thought that was too much to pay for what you were getting. The really depressing part is that all the cutest clothes come from those more expensive maternity lines. Apparently, you can either be rich and cute or frugal and frumpy. But even if I had all the money in the world to spend on my maternity wardrobe, I CANNOT see paying those kinds of prices for things. Ridiculous.

OK, end of rant.

Whitney has given the OK for me to get a pedicure this week and go ahead and keep my dentist appointment for a cleaning on Friday. I'm also planning to get a haircut. Figured I would go ahead and get all that sort of stuff done, so I won't have to worry about it for a while post-baby.

Fifteen days til my due date. I am officially on maternity leave and slightly concerned about what I'm going to do for the next two weeks to stave off boredom. I've got tons of little things to take care of in the next couple of days, so hopefully I won't even notice the time passing, at least for a little while.

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