learning to be a mom one twist at a time

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, May 20, 2011

28 Days Old

I didn't get a ton of advice, or even many comments from strangers when I was pregnant, but now that I have an adorable little baby in tow wherever I go, the comments are flowing like a flood.

Most are totally harmless: "She's adorable," "How old is she?" "She's so little!" — that sort of thing. But I've had two that were just weird.

First, two ladies stopped me at The Container Store a week or so ago to oooh and ahhh over the baby. One of them told me how glad she was to see that Devyn was wearing a hat (it was cold and rainy outside) and how some young mothers just take their babies out willy nilly without proper attire. But then she proceeded to lecture me how I absolutely should NOT take Devyn into the main part of the mall, because she could get sick being exposed to all those people and their germs (apparently she didn't count herself among the germy masses, because she got right in the baby's face). She actually said, "Did you know that?" Like she was bestowing some priceless wisdom on me.

(We went to the mall anyway. And, shockingly, it wasn't wall-to-wall germy crowds on a Wednesday afternoon at 2pm. Thank god.) :P

Then, yesterday, Dev and I went to the grocery store, and she did NOT fall asleep in the car as I had hoped, so by the time we got to the produce section, she was screaming from her car seat in the cart. I stopped in front of the lettuce to give her some attention and try to calm her down, and an older woman came up to us. At first she was just making small talk, "She's so precious," etc. Then she started talking to Devyn, saying things like, "It's OK darling," which is all fine. But then she looked at me and said, "Are you going to pick her up, or what?"

I answered that I thought I would just keep moving because she likes the motion, and walked away. What a weirdo! I got the impression that if I said I wasn't going to pick her up, that lady would have done it for me.

And we all know I can't be exposing my child to lots of strangers. *SHEESH*

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