learning to be a mom one twist at a time

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, May 22, 2011

1 Month Old

Dearest Devyn,

Today you are one month old, and I can't believe how fast the past four weeks have flown. You are already growing and changing before my eyes. This week you weighed 7.06 pounds, meaning that you're gaining almost an ounce a day now.

We've spent two weeks home alone together, and for the most part, it's going really well. Our days are mostly made up of eating, sleeping and changing diapers, but we do go out sometimes to change things up. It has been raining like crazy the last two weeks, so we haven't gone for as many walks as I would have liked, but you seem to enjoy them when we do go—at least, you enjoy sleeping in your stroller! I've been watching old episodes of The X-Files and catching up on episodes of Castle on the internet sometimes in the afternoon while you sleep.

We have been to the mall, out to lunch with friends, to a big consignment sale, to the grocery store and to the new mommies' group at the hospital. I hope we will make some friends for both of us at the group.

Yesterday I decided that it was time to start teaching you that naptime should be taken in your bed. Right now you pretty much only want to sleep in your sling during the day, and that predilection is starting to bleed over to the night time, so we definitely want to show you that it's OK to sleep in your own bed. So far... well, it's a little challenging. I'm sure you don't understand why I want you to sleep by yourself when you were perfectly happy sleeping strapped to me! Your Aunt Em gave me the very good advice to commit to trying it for two weeks, so that is what we're going to do. Our goal is one good nap in bed per day.

I can tell that you can focus on our faces now, which is exciting. I'm seeing more and more evidence of a smile when you're awake—you always smile really big as you drift off into dreaming—and you've started saying "GAH!" and "COO!" as happy noises, which is new and lovely.

You seem to like it when I sing to you, especially when you first wake up and aren't entirely sure you want to be awake. You also seem to enjoy bath time, whether we're giving you a quick sponge bath or a full sink bath. You love to be held and bounced, and you are starting to enjoy your bouncy chair, your swing and your play mat for longer times each day. You do NOT like to have your clothes changed, and you aren't always keen on going to bed when we think it's time, either.

Your daddy gave you your first bottle last week, and you took to it like a champ. As a matter of fact, you've never had much trouble with eating.

I am absolutely head-over-heels in love with you. Sometimes, I look at you and I am just undone by how big my heart has grown to encompass all the emotion I feel when I look at you. I read once that soul mates are two halves of a soul that found each other; if that's true, then you, my darling girl, are surely your daddy's soul and mine made whole again. You are such a miracle I can hardly stand it. You are definitely the best thing I've ever been a part of—and I'm starting to think that you are my life's work and greatest achievement.

In the wider world this week, the Space Shuttle Endeavor launched for its last-ever mission, the Mississippi river is cresting in a 100-year flood, and President Obama gave an important speech about his ideas for peace in the Middle East. He said, “[W]e cannot hesitate to stand squarely on the side of those who are reaching for their rights.”

I can't wait to see what month two brings us!

Love always,
~your mommy

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