learning to be a mom one twist at a time

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Two Months: UPDATE!

Yesterday, whilst playing on her playmat, the inimitable Ms. Bean reached out and grabbed the ring suspended from the stuffed monkey and hung on for dear life, swinging it around and making the monkey rattle.

I would have thought it an adorable fluke, but then she did it again. Twice.

My brilliant daughter, ladies and gentlemen.

I would have gotten photos or video except I was on the phone with my sister at the time, so you'll just have to take my word for it.

Today we go get our two month jabs. Mommy is not looking forward to it.

[EDITED TO ADD:] Getting the shots wasn't nearly as traumatic as I was expecting; she cried for a few seconds, but calmed down pretty quickly, and she was very good during her exam. The doctor pronounced her in great health. She's on the small side (15th percentile for weight and 35th for height) but not anything to worry about.

AFTER the shots, however, was another story. My little one had her first fever, which got up to 100.6, and her first dose of baby Tylenol. She slept a lot and cried a lot whenever she woke up. But after the fever broke, she seemed to feel much better.

Poor little woobie.

1 comment:

  1. Go Bean go!!!! I hope I get to meet her before she's doing what she wants to be when she grows up...;)
