learning to be a mom one twist at a time

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, June 6, 2011

6 weeks, 3 days: Gold Stars

We deserve a few gold stars for the past couple of days:

  • On Friday night, we started putting Devyn to bed for the night in her crib and it has made a WORLD of difference in the quality and quantity of sleep we're all getting. Before, we were getting maybe two to three hours of sleep between feeds; now we're getting four to five hours. Hallelujah!
  • Like bad scientists, we introduced a second variable on Friday night: Brandon has started giving Devyn a bottle of formula at around 11pm each night. It means that I can get more sleep (I can go to bed around 9 after her 8pm feed and then sleep straight through to 2 or 3am when she wants to eat again) and it seems to be helping her sleep as well. Who knows, then, if it's the sleeping in her own room or the formula that's helping her get longer sleep, but I'm getting a happier baby, so it's win/win as far as I'm concerned.
  • Devyn pooped this morning! This is only worthy of a gold star because this time she went FIVE DAYS without a poop. That's just crazy to me, even though everyone tells me it's perfectly normal. It may be normal, but I think it makes her cranky, which makes all of us cranky.
  • She is taking at least one nap per day in her crib now, usually the first nap of the morning. That is a great step. We'll build from there.
  • I got my six-week checkup on Friday and was told that all is well. I have healed beautifully.

We went for a long walk this morning to the grocery store to buy milk, and on the way home, we encountered a crazy man walking his golden retriever. He made some comment about it being hot, but a dry heat (for real) and I made the mistake of saying that I'd grown up in Dallas, so dry heat was the best kind to me. Then he launched into telling me that he grew up in Chicago, that he was in the army, that he'd gladly go back but he couldn't move to well now, that he loved his country, that he thought the president was doing a pretty good job, especially since Bin Laden was killed, but that if he'd been there, he wouldn't have shot him, but rather would have killed him with karate.

All without taking a breath.

I realized that he was headed in the exact direction I wanted to go to get home, but the thought of following him, or being subjected to this ramble for another three or four blocks was daunting, so I actually walked half a block in the wrong direction after I managed to extricate myself. I saw him turn and go into the park, so I thought I was safe, but he DOUBLED BACK and met me again as I was walking past the park! This time, he told me to be careful because all the drivers were crazy around here, that he'd learned to drive in Germany, that it cost him $1500 and six hours on the Autobahn, but now he was an excellent driver, not like these kids who text and talk on the phone, because of course he has a phone, but if it rings, he pulls over and puts on his flashers if he's going to answer it, and in Germany, if you get one DUI, they take away your license.

I've got to say, it's a little wacky the people you meet in the middle of the day when you aren't going to work. I'm almost afraid to walk at that time of day ever again, in case I have to meet him again!

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