learning to be a mom one twist at a time

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, October 31, 2011

27 weeks, 3 days: Happy Halloween!

These were some of Devyn's photos from a little photo shoot they did for the Halloween issue of Yellow Scene!  I think she makes a pretty cute flower.  (Thanks to Jenifer Harrington for the pics!)

We've all had the crud this past week—luckily, Devyn seems to have gotten off with just a very stuffy nose—so we haven't been doing much in the way of Halloween activities.  But I think we will put her in her costume for a while tonight to answer the door for trick-or-treaters.

And many thanks to Aunt Em for the "My 1st Halloween" onesie!  (Just please ignore the fact that both of her legs are stuck in one leg of her jeans in this photo!)


  1. You are very kind to not name her dresser that day...... ;(

  2. i thought it was a classy denim skirt!

    um, aaaand that is NOT a very scary halloween costume. just for the record. ;D
