learning to be a mom one twist at a time

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

22 weeks, 1 day: First Food

 Devyn had her very first "solid" food on Saturday morning: a little rice cereal.  I put solid in quotation marks because we made it REALLY soupy—it was more milk than cereal.  But this is really more for practice than anything else.

She actually did really well!  She wants to try to take the spoon and put it in her mouth herself a lot (with mixed results: see above) but we just have two and keep swapping them out.  She's also still a little small for her high chair, but I'm sure she will grow into it.

This is my favorite photo!  Her very first taste of solid food.  We've been having it once a day ever since, and she's doing very well with it.  I'd say she eats about two tablespoons a day so far.  Today I'm making up a big batch of pear sauce (like applesauce, but with pears) and we will try adding a little of that starting on Saturday.

Also, at our weigh-in this week, she was up to 12 pounds, 13.6 ounces—so she has officially doubled her birth weight!  Big milestones for my little girl.

1 comment:

  1. Lacy, I love that last picture. She's so cute. This blog is such a wonderful way to chronicle her babyhood (and beyond).
