learning to be a mom one twist at a time

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

18 weeks, 5 days: Catching Up

Here's a BIG photo post, catching up with what I've taken over the last two weeks!

This was taken right after she got her four-month shots (notice the neon band-aids on her legs!). Poor woobie slept most of the day.

I bought her a snowsuit at a consignment sale, and I couldn't resist trying it on her. It's a little large...

Everything's cute the first time she does it! She took those puppies right off my face.

This was mostly to show the scale of the zucchini.

And this is just precious, n'est pas?

I took this at a restaurant. Brandon was trying to keep her happy while we were waiting for our check, and I thought it was funny for some reason!

I've got one more video, but it deserves its own post...


  1. I've seen these on facebook! I still need more new pictures of this sweet baby!

  2. Ha! I had a whole roll on a disposable camera of our trip to Mt. Evans, but Target ruined the film!
