learning to be a mom one twist at a time

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Some random tid-bits

  • Devyn and I went to drop-in mommy and baby swim time at the rec center—I thought it would be teaching the babies how to float and kick and splash in the water, when actually it was a fairly intense water aerobics class for the mommies using the babies as hand weights. But I think Devyn liked it.  Whenever I say "go swimming" she makes the sign for fish.
  • Yesterday we bought her a baby-sized potty.  It's a convertible one that goes from being an all-in-one training potty to a step-stool and a seat that fits on the big potty.  Haven't even gotten it out of the box yet, but we'll see how it goes.
  • We went to a clothing swap last week with my stroller club, and she got very overwhelmed by all the people and kids.  The life-sized stuffed pony in the basement didn't really help, either.
  • After a devastating episode where we couldn't find the lovey at bed time, a new rule had to be implemented wherein the lovey doesn't leave the crib (except for some immediate post-sleep snuggling in the glider chair).  The first time I explained this rule, there was much crying and gnashing of teeth and I had to pry it from her tiny, tenacious fingers, and it made me feel like a terrible mommy for depriving her of her lovey.  The next time, there was a little resistance, I reminded her of the rule, and she said, "Thank you," and handed it to me. And that is what she has done every single time since then.
  • Speaking of thank yous, one of my very favorite things she does right now is when she runs up to us, gives us a big hug and says, "Thank you!"  Lord, let me remember that when she's a teenager.
  • She has started saying "The end!" every time we finish reading a book.  And believe me, we read a LOT of books.  One of her favorite things to do is run up to me or Brandon with a book in hand shouting "Book!  Book!  Book!" until we acquiesce and read it to her.  I think she would sit and listen to us read books to her all day long.
  • She has been playing with the bathroom scale recently, and we have ascertained that she weighs just over 20 pounds.
  • She loves dogs and elephants and monkeys.  I'm thinking she might be one of the above for Halloween.
  • She has recently figured out how to put the shapes back on the spindles on her shape stacker, instead of just how to take them off.  
Brandon and I celebrate 7 years of wedded bliss tomorrow. On Thursday, the Renners arrive for a short, weekend visit and we will probably celebrate Brandon's birthday and our anniversary.  Then, the next week, I'll be spending three days at a business conference—Devyn will spend one day with her daddy, one day with her Aunt Wendy, and one day with our friends Tiffany and Logan.  Then, the week after THAT, I spend the weekend at the annual SCBWI conference.

And then, the week after that, I collapse and don't move for at least a week or two.

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