learning to be a mom one twist at a time

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

14 weeks, 3 days

* Upchuck number three, for those keeping count. It’s weird: I thought this was supposed to start going away, and the underlying feeling of constant nausea has, but when it does pop up, it seems to be stronger. Today’s episode was triggered by looking at a bag of vegetables. There was nothing wrong with them. They just made me puke.

* Husband has picked out a crib, which is a great relief to me. I have been having terrible trouble making any sort of decision lately when it comes to the Bean. We will probably order it from JC Penny next week. I chose some bunting on Etsy. That’s about the extent of my decision making skills lately.

* We also managed to almost completely clear out the nursery. I hung up the one little outfit my mom sent us in the closet, which Husband promptly pronounced “weird.”

* I announced that we’re pregnant on Facebook today, which was weird. Facebook is weird in general, but it’s doubly weird to have random people you haven’t talked to in 10+ years congratulating you.

* Have started having sharp pains in my abdomen just above my hips. Doctor said these are my tendons stretching to accommodate the new weight. Yay?

* I have figured out that putting a pillow between my knees while I sleep helps alleviate a lot of the pain I’ve been having in my sacrum. (That’s what my yoga video calls it: my sacrum. Much nicer than saying “My butt hurts,” which is what Husband has previously been subjected to.)

* Coworker has offered to throw me a baby shower. Which is nice, but also mildly terrifying as it means I have to register at some point. And that takes us back to the whole not making decisions about stuff thing.

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