learning to be a mom one twist at a time

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Words to Remember

thinks the weather lately is a little fishy. from Facebook

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Words to Remember

told me that she wants to be a music teacher when she grows up (when she's 16) and live in Paris. #goals from Facebook

Monday, March 6, 2017

Words to Remember

is having a pickle relish sandwich, with cheese and turkey on the side. from Facebook

Friday, March 3, 2017

Words to Remember

When was born, I had this sense over and over again that she was my tiny zen master, here to teach me lessons. Well, I'm preparing for another one of those lessons today.... I will not be attached to the outcome of our shoe shopping trip today. It does not matter if she tries on 80 pairs of shoes and doesn't like any of them. It does not matter if she says the shoes are simultaneously "too big" and "pinchy". It does not matter if the shoes are super freaking adorable but she doesn't like them. It does not matter if the only shoes she ends up liking are the exact same size as the ones she says are getting too small. I am sending loving kindness towards myself and my daughter's ridiculous preconceived notions about shoes and feet. Om shanti. from Facebook

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Words of Wisdom

Some good old Devyn quotes and memories from the past year:

Devyn's shopping list: milk, eggs, flubber, and goat cheese. ‪#‎thatsmygirl‬

This morning Devyn said, "Why are we wearing green? Shouldn't we wear hats for Saint Hatrick's day?"

Devyn just asked me if I want to get married at H Mart. wink emoticon

Brandon playing My Little Ponies with Devyn: "I'm not going to WALK. Walking is for people who don't know how to fly!"

"Will we see dinosaurs in heaven?" —Devyn

My mom got Devyn the first three "Magic Treehouse" books. We read the first two in Dallas. Now we're on "Mummies in the Morning," and I just spent almost half an hour trying to explain a) what a ghost is, b) how the queen could be a ghost and dead mummy bones at the same time and c) how they get the wrappings to stay on a mummy. Oy vey.

Devyn is singing, "Hey! You! Get offa my cloud!" at the top of her lungs. Parenting WIN.

Brandon and Devyn are having an argument about whether or not fairies (as in, tiny creatures with wings) can marry outside their species that currently has Devyn in tears.

Me: *hissing at Brandon* It's easier just to agree!
Him: I don't want her to be a racist!

Devyn is lecturing Brandon that he needs to eat more healthy foods, like broccoli, if he wants to still be alive when she's eight.

Which is, like, REALLY old to a four year old.

Deep thoughts with Devyn:

"What if there was a hole in the ceiling and birds could poop in the potty?"

Dev: "Let's play star wars! I'll be a star wars."

She calls me Master Mama, so I'm OK with that.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


'Devyn’s been asking to try mussels for WEEKS, so we let her order them for dinner last night at Village Tavern (much to the amusement of the waiter). She LOVED them. 

(Also, Brandon thinks she looks about 22 in this photo.)'

Devyn’s been asking to try mussels for WEEKS, so we let her order them for dinner last night at Village Tavern (much to the amusement of the waiter). She LOVED them.

(Also, Brandon thinks she looks about 22 in this photo.)